Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Concerns of the Youth essays

Concerns of the Youth essays Today, the youth is effected with many issues. These issues contribute to the downfall of many. We, as a community need to provide a solution to these rising problems. The first step, is to understand what problems are they facing. There are many things that effect youth including: Building the Future, a terrific contagion that has the potential to change the world I am talking about optimism, not in the sense of believing everything will be fine and we should just sit back, or in the sense of believing everyone will work selflessly toward common goals, I am talking about a profound awe at the possibilities afforded us by the universe, the future. I do not believe one should live for the future, live for today and you live for today and tomorrow, but one of life's greatest pleasures is in overcoming obstacles and solving problems so it follows that in solving the problems of today we create a better future for everyone. I say that problems such as pollution, poverty, world hunger, oppression and anything else you can think of can be solved, perhaps it is youthful idealism but for what purpose do the young become idealistic other than to provide the world with a new outlook and ideas to create their future? My idea of a way to help the youth of today would be a program. This program could be called Youth Out Reach. It would be a place in a central area like Downtown, for instance. It would be a center that would cater to the needs of youth, our community. This center could have a health section where counselors and doctors are on hand to talk to teenagers. The counselors could help in giving advice and the doctors with health issues affecting the youth. There could be teen forums here, to bring up issues, and how adults could help the youth resolve them. Food could be available to ...

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