Friday, November 1, 2019

How the war on terrorism affected the way of life in Afghanistan Research Paper

How the war on terrorism affected the way of life in Afghanistan - Research Paper Example The horrific terror attacks elicited a mixture of economic, political and social reactions globally. Anti-Islam and hatred discourse that failed to separate the ordinary Muslims from the despotic, militant terrorists was rife all over. Issues of distrust between Christian and Muslim communities led to increased antagonism and in some instances extremist tendencies. For example, in the West, incidences of Muslim beatings and at times killings were reported. Examples of Muslim extremist tendencies were evident through support of the terrorist activities. Following the 9/11 attacks, it was quite clear that a retaliation response by the American government led by George Bush was eminent. To this end, the greatest fear pertained to what form of retaliation, how it would be enforced and also the potential impacts on the ordinary lives of the Afghan citizens. The impacts on the Afghan citizenry were also being assessed in consideration that they were still suffering at the behest of the Tal iban regime. In the period leading to 9/11, the Bush administration had been subject to scathing criticism for its position on various policy issues locally and internationally. These issues ranged from, geopolitics, environmental, economic, defense, inequality among others. However, the ghastly terror attack of September 11 resulted to considerable reduction of criticism towards the Bush administration. On the contrary, support for the Bush administration in light of the terror attacks began to rise significantly. This support was as a result of the announcement of the retaliatory action that the American administration would embark after the terror attacks. To this end, on 20th September, 2001, President George Bush made a televised address in... Conclusion The war on terrorism that began in earnest over a decade ago, has clearly caused profound impacts. These impacts cut across the divide of both pro and anti crusaders of terrorism. To this end, the long protracted war has not only impacted countries targeted for terrorism networks, but also the primary opponents of terrorism such as the United States. Following the September 9/11 attacks, it is clear that the geo-political, economic and social spheres changed dramatically for all actors. In light of the United States, the change of stance pertaining to foreign policy in dealing with terrorism dramatically changed to a military offensive against any threat to its security. Furthermore, the social fabric pertaining to relations among diverse religions was visibly tested. In addition, the astronomical cost of funding the war presented another significant burden on the American citizenry as well as local political intrigues involving pro and anti war protagonists. However, one vital aspec t that did not receive adequate attention was the assessment of impacts on the ordinary Afghanis citizens. Evidently, much attention has been focused on America and their justification for the war on terror without due consideration to the Afghani citizenry.

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