Monday, December 2, 2019

Internet Marketing Application

In his article, what is Web 2.0?, Tim O’Reilly outlines the most important principles underlying the Web 2.0 concept. These features include the following: services with cost-effective scalability; trusting users as co-developers; harnessing collective intelligence; using software that supports many devices; lightweight user interfaces and business models; and applying customer self service.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Marketing Application specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, web 2.0 is a concept that is used to describe a facet of World Wide Web that is concerned with ensuring collaborating and sharing of information on the internet. Because services matter a lot as compared to the web software, the concept discussed by O’Reilly can be useful in coming up with internet marketing strategies. As an application of the knowledge gained from the article, the following paragraphs describe marketing strategies that are useful on the internet. Finding new target market: To successfully find new target market, a company will need to make sense of a lot of complex information which will need to be structured into an organized pattern that gives a good overview of the market place. The marketer will require detailed pictures of the environment in which the organization operates. Thus, there are several strategies for finding new target market: First, improving search engine ranking/optimization enables an organization to enhance the way customers navigate through their website and hence having most return customers. Since most of people rely on search engines for their information needs, Web 2.0 advocates for optimization of the most relevant information about the company so as to make it readily available through search engines. In this case, a company must be able to choose the right search terms, allocate them to suitable web pages, and organize links from other web s ites to fit the target search words and their pages. Another target market strategy is setting up a high quality site with specific traffic and high frequency, this enable visitor to navigate through the website easily and make proper buying decisions. Besides, high quality content is a key to customer confidence of the company’s products and services. Automated Home Based Business: Due to the internet automation technologies that support web 2.0, an automated business is a strategy that enables firms to do more research on how their products and services are fairing. This strategy requires a careful consideration on the traffic and the website content.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More E-business technologies provide automation of front-office and back room tasks like counter operation, billing, security and order taking which enable an organization to do without cleri cal or accounting and facilitates a self service for organization’s customers. Selling products when people are online: This involves selling products through the company’s website. Customers can purchase items or make inquiry online. Selling in this concept requires a user friendly website with great sales letter having high conversation rates. More so, a mailing list is incorporated so as to provide sales online and use the customer information to perform such transactions in future. As described in the article, sells products online and the main concern is ensuring that customers collaborate in reviews and suggestions of the items listed Self-improved business: To succeed in enhancing an organization’s performance in the market environment, marketers should consider rethinking and redesigning their market structures. They should master the way of dealing with threats and opportunities in the market, join forums on marketing, learn new ideas through books. This is a gateway to improvement on the way marketing is carried out over the internet, hence internet marketing strategy. Web 2.0 concepts provide a rich foundation for marketers in setting dynamic web contents in their websites and putting much effort on customer requirements. Work Cited O’Reilly, Tim. What Is Web 2.0? 20 Sept. 2005. Web. This essay on Internet Marketing Application was written and submitted by user Mila Lane to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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