Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Brown v. Board of Education Court Case Essay - 993 Words

The Brown v. Board of Education Court Case served as a highlighted issue in black history. Brown v. Board help different races comes together in public schools. This case became very big 1950s lots of attention was drawn to the case at that time. News reporter and critics had different views and opinions about this case. This case in 1954 causes lots of issues and views towards the black race. The quote â€Å"separate but equal† is vital due to â€Å"Plessy v. Ferguson† and the famous lawyer Thurgood Marshall who argued this case, and the success of this case itself. A very intelligent strong-minded man argued this case in 1954. According to UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History, Thurgood Marshall was born on July 2, 1908. He was raised in a two†¦show more content†¦Sometimes a small quote can make big difference in life and in very important situations. In Issues Controversies in American History, it is said that, a famous saying got this case started to integrat e schools was â€Å"separate but equal†. It was said that this issue was a violation to the fourteenth Amendment it state that â€Å"Limits upon states† going to say that everybody should be treated equally. (Evans-Marshall) In the UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History, this quote had a lot to do with â€Å"Plessy v. Ferguson† meaning to say it had no place in the court or law. (Benson, Brannen and Valentine 196) With help of Issues Controversies in American History, Supreme Court also went on to say that segregated schools were acceptable. Some say that the Supreme Court was being accused of writing new laws and over using their powers and violating state’s rights. â€Å"Separate but equal† had a lot of meaning to it where only a certain race could use this door or water fountain. (Evans-Marshall) In World Book Advanced, some say that this quote could have cause somewhat damage to African American children to say that black kids should not be in the same schools as white children. (Murphy) According to Issues Controversies in American, the battle to integrate schools caught the media attention, which in tune made many people aware of the civil rights movement. Some of the most famous cases that shed light on this issue were the â€Å"Little Rock 9†, and James Meredith case.Show MoreRelatedThe Court Case that Changed the World: Brown v. Board of Education1078 Words   |  5 PagesBrown v. Board of Education is a story of triumph over a society where separating races simply based on appearances was the law. It is a story of two little girls who has to walk through a railroad switchyard in Topeka, Kansas in 1950 just to attend school. With lunch bags and backpacks in hand, they make their way to the black bus stop which is a distance of the tracks. They have to walk this distance, pass the buses filled with white children because they are unable to attend the nearby whiteRead MoreThe Controversial Supreme Court Case Of B rown V. Board Of Education Essay2371 Words   |  10 Pagesand controversial Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education and the effect is had on the nation and even the world. Many people ignore the fact school segregation has not been fixed. The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education is just something people learn in their social studies class. Most think this case was the end of the story and schools were desegregated and everything was happily ever after, but this is sadly not the reality. The reality is Brown has failed us. The effectsRead MoreLittle Rock Nine : The Court Case Brown V. Board Of Education1289 Words   |  6 Pages In 1954 the Supreme Court announced that segregation in public schools is unconstitutional in the court case Brown v. Board of Education. 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Board of Education Picture this: a world with no color. Would racism still exist? Or would people be discriminated based on other things such as height, weight, or the sound of their voice? We may never know the answer to these questions. Racism is still alive in the United States, but it is not as severe and oppressive as it was during the era of the Jim Crow laws. The 13thRead MoreThe Education System: Brown Vs. Board of Education1071 Words   |  5 Pagesfamous Brown v. Board of Education case, many other cases also took a major part in overturning the harsh laws that African Americans faced for a long period of time in this country. Brown v. Board of Education was the most important Supreme Court decision of the 20th century (National Park). Without this case, the education system and other segregated facilities might not have ever changed through the course of history (Kirk). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The most significant theme in the novel Lord of the Flies...

The most significant theme in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is the degeneration from civility to savagery. Sub themes to this novel would be power and Savagery, Power, and Fear The most significant theme in the novel â€Å"Lord of the Flies† by William Golding is the degeneration from civility to savagery. Sub themes to this novel would be power and the fear of the unknown. In this novel William Golding depicts the importance of having rules and regulations even in secluded islands. Without any order total destruction will occur. The boys’ lack of laws caused abuse of power and fear. Control of inner self, power, and fear are essential for a civilized society. All the boys on the island have degenerated from†¦show more content†¦I’ll tell him what’s what. You let me carry the conch, Ralph. I’ll show him the one thing he hasn’t got† pg 189. He was innocent and always wanted everyone to be together. He never wanted anyone to get hurt. On an island with no rules even the most civilized will turn savagery. During the boys’ stay on the island, the power of leadership changes hands. This novel shows that with great power comes great responsibility. The power on the island started with Ralph and ends with Jack. â€Å"‘Well then’ All at once he found he could talk fluently and explain what he had to say. He passed a hand through his fair hair and spoke† pg 30. Ralph depended on the conch to maintain his leadership. Ralph wanted to work together and have a democratic society. He as much possible thought of ways of getting off the island. Jack on the other hand wanted everyone to follow and obey his rules. â€Å"Conch! Conch! Shouted Jack, we don’t need the conch any more. We know who ought to say things. What good did Simon do speaking, or Bill, or Walter? It’s time some people knew they’ve got to keep quiet and leave deciding things to the rest of us-† pg 110-111. Jack wanted to do what pleased him. He really did not want to get off the island; he just wanted to kill pigs for their meat. Since there was corruption between Ralph and Jack, had their own policy, the state of the island depended on their use of power. Towards the end of the novel the boys’ fear played a major role.Show MoreRelatedLord of the Flies by William Golding932 Words   |  4 Pagesessay, I will be discussing two particular themes from a novel called Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Lord of the Flies was written in 1954 after World War II. Ruler of the Flies is a purposeful anecdote about something that many readers can’t really describe. Individuals cant choose precisely what. Its either about the inalienable underhanded of man, or mental battle, or religion, or personal inclination, or the creators emotions on war; however William Golding was in the Navy throughout WorldRead MoreTheme Of Lord Of The Flies And The Guide Essay1407 Words   |  6 Pages133013040 ENG 302 The Novel-1 Submitted to: Ms Arifa Rahaman Date: 09.12.2015 Theme of ‘Lord of The Flies’ and ‘The Guide’ ‘Lord of the flies’(1954) and ‘The guide’(1958) are the two novels written by famous novelists William Golding and R.K. Narayan. ‘Lord of the Flies’ portrays the story of a group of British boys trapped on an abandoned island who try to administrate themselves with catastrophic results and On the other side, R.K. Narayan quite consciously in his novel â€Å"The Guide† resonancesRead MoreComparing the Similarity in Themes in Alex Garlands The Beach and William Goldings Lord of the Flies1412 Words   |  6 PagesComparing the Similarity in Themes in Alex Garlands The Beach and William Goldings Lord of the Flies There are a number of themes which are common to The Beach by Alex Garland and Lord of the Flies by William Golding. Four of these themes will be reviewed in this essay by comparing the characters and the events which occur. The themes are, first, isolation, which is developed in both books relatively near the beginning of each. Secondly, the fact that things are not asRead MoreAnalysis Of Lord Of The Flies And Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1208 Words   |  5 Pagesuphold it. The novels, Lord of The Flies by William Golding and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, demonstrate this prospect as through the narrative techniques of characterisation, plot, setting and style, they exemplify the moral decline of man under pressure to survive, ultimately resulting in savagery. Characterisation plays a major role in both texts as each character serves as a representation humanity and the faults within it. Throughout Lord of the Flies there is a developingRead MoreLord Of The Flies Symbolism Essay1080 Words   |  5 PagesLord of the Flies Essay â€Å"Maybe there is a beast†¦ maybe its only us.†(Golding [Page 50]) The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a novel that goes much deeper than a group of 12 year old boys stranded on an island. Throughout the book Golding portrays symbols and constant themes which show how he feels about the human race; that there is an inner beast inside everyone and no matter who you are, it will eventually get exposed. 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Before creating this novel, William had experience in the navy where he learned of the nature of mankind. The introduction of the book portrays a plane crash where a large group of boys are stranded on an island. Here they grow in character and human instincts such as leadership, brutality, and survival are displayedRead MoreThe Theme of Lord of the Flies Essay930 Words   |  4 Pagesas they knew it deteriorates. Lord of the Flies is influenced by the authors life and experiences. Goldings outlook on life changes, due to his heavy involvement in W.W.II, to his current philosophy that quot;The shape of society must depend on the ethical nature of the individual, and not on any political system however apparently logical or respectablequot; (Baker, 1965). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The major theme that Golding develops in Lord of the Flies is the deterioration of rules andRead MoreLord of the Flies and World War Ii1737 Words   |  7 PagesSteiner Many things such as social and political environments can impact literature. British involvement in WWII directly influenced Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies. As all authors use their life and times as reference points in their works, Golding drew heavily on sociological, cultural, and military events. Lord of the Flies is an allegorical parallel to the world, as Golding perceived it. The island, the boys, and many other objects and events described in his work represent Goldings viewRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1603 Words   |  7 Pagescentral themes, which take place in a story. These analyses help readers understand a message the author is trying to convey. In the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding uses different literary devices in order to demonstrate the boys’ struggle against the lack of society and law on the island, as well as the consequences that have transpired due to this loss. This conflict is evident through the different instances of iro ny, foreshadowing, and symbolism that occurs throughout the novel. Irony

Monday, December 9, 2019

Management and Organization Culture in Global Environment

Question: Discuss about the Management and Organization Culture in Global Environment. Answer: Introduction In this essay, the definition of organizational culture will be depicted along with the factors determining the Organizational culture of Woolworths. Woolworths possess a positive organizational culture with their principle to treat people with dignity and respect. Moreover, the procedure through which the organization culture affect the personality, the challenges the organization face will be carried out. Lastly, some of the recommendation that Woolworths should consider will also discuss. Martin (2014) defines that the term organizational culture resembles the shared valuesand assumption of an organization that also represents the general behavioral approach of the employee towards the organization. Moreover, some factors determine the organizational culture- symbols, rituals, story, control and power link (Alvesson 2012). Liliana et al. (2015) depicts that the symbol signifies the leadership principles that an organization possesses. Moreover, rituals highlight whether the organizational culture enhances the perception and working ability of the employee. Martin (2014) depicts that organizations story symbolizes the nature of the business that is whether the policies, procedures and work environment is effective to promote the organizational culture. In addition to that, control and power link resembles the scenario, where the efficiency of the organization to communicate with the client is measured, and the recruiting and selecting the right types of employees is ex ecuted respectively. It is further analyzed by Liliana et al. (2015) that organizational cultures help in greater job satisfaction, employee-and-customer engagement and results in superior job performance. Woolworths have some priorities that are Building a customer and store-led culture and team by generating sustainable sales momentum in the supply of food ( 2016). The concerned organization also renews their stores programs and fixes their basic operations on core customer offer so that better products and services can be provided to the organization. In this way, they can create a future that can fulfill all the customers demand. Janicijevic (2013) mentioned that following all the legal obligations and accomplishing all the business proceedings ethically, makes the employee associated with the organization for a longer time. Thus, they placethe customeron the priority list and listens to their demands along with treating their employee equally irrespective of their different races. This resembles that they also value diversification among their employee, follow all the legal obligations of work, health and safety policy, fair pay systems, and do not discriminate against them. The challenge that the organization faces is the confliction among the working personnel as it is not possible every time to include employee while planning some policies for better organizations culture (Cummings and Worley 2014). Moreover, Harper (2015) highlight that the too many structural layersdiminish the effectiveness of the communication of the employee with the managing authorities. However, it is recommended that this adversity can be overcome by the including all the employees in the decision-making process by conducting regular meeting and conferences. If possible, it is better to provide a glimpse of the upcoming organizational policies to the employees. Auh et al. (2014) portray that this regular meeting not only helps Woolworths to provide importance to all their employees but it will also reduce the conflicts among the working personnel along with the better communication between the managers and the employees. Thus, it can be concluded that employees are the key stakeholder to carry out the organizational culture and they are the people, who are intended to serve their best in meeting the customers demand. Thus, behaving well with them and provide them values for their effort is a crucial obligation. A problem with conflicts and poor communication among the managing authorities and employee can be overcome by hosting regular meetings for discussing activities related to organizations culture and procedure. Organization Structure and Strategy In this section, the concept of organization structure and strategy along with its importance will be discussed. Application of six elements of the organizational structure will also be illustrated which will be followed by the divisional and functional structure of the Woolworths. Challenges in implementing the organization structure, its associated recommendation will also be discussed in this essay. Rothaermel (2015) highlight that a business structure is nothing but a formal layout of the hierarchy of the organization whiles the business strategy signifies a practical plan for achieving an organization's mission. The relationship between these two aspects is that in order to accomplish the organizations layout, effective strategies have to be implemented (Ashkenas et al. 2015). The importance of the organizational structure has evaluated the effectiveness of the decision-making, way of communication and the performance of the employee. The six key elements of the organization structure are- work specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, a span of control, centralization/decentralization and formalization (Williams 2013). In Woolworths, the work is divided into different stakeholders like suppliers provide the products that are stored in their retail stores, the employee sell these products to the customers and the managing authorities evaluate the entire process. The departmentalization for Woolworths comprises of the following elements: In addition to that, product departmentalization resembles the how each manager is responsible for an area within Woolworths and is illustrated in the diagram below: In context with the geographic organizational structure, the geographic regions structure of the companyis represented according to the geographic regions where Woolworths is operating current and is represented below: Moreover, in the context of the chain of command, Woolworths applied three concepts of authority that are to tell people what to do in order to obtain organizational culture along with the obligation to perform any assigned duties. Ashkenas et al. (2015) highlight that regarding span of control, higher product quality is emphasized more and thus stricter ruleshave to be implemented. Woolworths follows the decentralization approach, which resembles that lower-level managers are capable and experienced at making decisions. They can directly communicate with their higher authority. Lastly, Daft (2012) depict that recruitment of effective employee signifies the Woolworths approach towards formalization that is carried out in several steps like a screening of their applications, hosting of interviews and then assessments like situational tests. The challenge in this case, Woolworths face is the communication among the regional vice presidents of Woolworths that is recommended can be overc ome by regular meetings and using of advanced technology like video conferencing so that updates in organizational functionalities can be discussed properly (Liliana et al. 2015). Conclusion Thus, it can be concluded that Woolworths has their key performing centers in Australia but is intended to grow to other locations like New Zealand and India. The problem in arranging the organizational structure is the communication between all the managing authorities that can be overcome by regular contacts and implanting the concept of knowledge sharing. Reference List Alvesson, M., 2012.Understanding organizational culture. Sage. Ashkenas, R., Ulrich, D., Jick, T. and Kerr, S., 2015.The boundaryless organization: Breaking the chains of organizational structure. John Wiley Sons. Auh, S., Spyropoulou, S., Menguc, B. and Uslu, A., 2014. When and how does sales team conflict affect sales team performance?.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,42(6), pp.658-679. Cummings, T.G. and Worley, C.G., 2014.Organization development and change. Cengage learning. Daft, R., 2012.Organization theory and design. Nelson Education. Harper, C., 2015.Organizations: Structures, processes and outcomes. Routledge. Janicijevic, N., 2013. The mutual impact of organizational culture and structure.Ekonomski Anali/Economic Annals,58(198), pp.35-60. Liliana, N., George, B. and Gabriel-Iulian, T., 2015. The New Organizational Culture.Ovidius University Annals, Series Economic Sciences,15(1). Martin, J., 2014. Organizational Culture and Leadership.Leadership in Academic Libraries Today: Connecting Theory to Practice, p.143. Rothaermel, F.T., 2015.Strategic management. McGraw-Hill. Williams, C., 2013.Principles of management. South-Western/Cengage Learning., 2016.Strategy and objectives - Woolworths Group. [online] Available at:

Monday, December 2, 2019

Internet Marketing Application

In his article, what is Web 2.0?, Tim O’Reilly outlines the most important principles underlying the Web 2.0 concept. These features include the following: services with cost-effective scalability; trusting users as co-developers; harnessing collective intelligence; using software that supports many devices; lightweight user interfaces and business models; and applying customer self service.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Marketing Application specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, web 2.0 is a concept that is used to describe a facet of World Wide Web that is concerned with ensuring collaborating and sharing of information on the internet. Because services matter a lot as compared to the web software, the concept discussed by O’Reilly can be useful in coming up with internet marketing strategies. As an application of the knowledge gained from the article, the following paragraphs describe marketing strategies that are useful on the internet. Finding new target market: To successfully find new target market, a company will need to make sense of a lot of complex information which will need to be structured into an organized pattern that gives a good overview of the market place. The marketer will require detailed pictures of the environment in which the organization operates. Thus, there are several strategies for finding new target market: First, improving search engine ranking/optimization enables an organization to enhance the way customers navigate through their website and hence having most return customers. Since most of people rely on search engines for their information needs, Web 2.0 advocates for optimization of the most relevant information about the company so as to make it readily available through search engines. In this case, a company must be able to choose the right search terms, allocate them to suitable web pages, and organize links from other web s ites to fit the target search words and their pages. Another target market strategy is setting up a high quality site with specific traffic and high frequency, this enable visitor to navigate through the website easily and make proper buying decisions. Besides, high quality content is a key to customer confidence of the company’s products and services. Automated Home Based Business: Due to the internet automation technologies that support web 2.0, an automated business is a strategy that enables firms to do more research on how their products and services are fairing. This strategy requires a careful consideration on the traffic and the website content.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More E-business technologies provide automation of front-office and back room tasks like counter operation, billing, security and order taking which enable an organization to do without cleri cal or accounting and facilitates a self service for organization’s customers. Selling products when people are online: This involves selling products through the company’s website. Customers can purchase items or make inquiry online. Selling in this concept requires a user friendly website with great sales letter having high conversation rates. More so, a mailing list is incorporated so as to provide sales online and use the customer information to perform such transactions in future. As described in the article, sells products online and the main concern is ensuring that customers collaborate in reviews and suggestions of the items listed Self-improved business: To succeed in enhancing an organization’s performance in the market environment, marketers should consider rethinking and redesigning their market structures. They should master the way of dealing with threats and opportunities in the market, join forums on marketing, learn new ideas through books. This is a gateway to improvement on the way marketing is carried out over the internet, hence internet marketing strategy. Web 2.0 concepts provide a rich foundation for marketers in setting dynamic web contents in their websites and putting much effort on customer requirements. Work Cited O’Reilly, Tim. What Is Web 2.0? 20 Sept. 2005. Web. This essay on Internet Marketing Application was written and submitted by user Mila Lane to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Concerns of the Youth essays

Concerns of the Youth essays Today, the youth is effected with many issues. These issues contribute to the downfall of many. We, as a community need to provide a solution to these rising problems. The first step, is to understand what problems are they facing. There are many things that effect youth including: Building the Future, a terrific contagion that has the potential to change the world I am talking about optimism, not in the sense of believing everything will be fine and we should just sit back, or in the sense of believing everyone will work selflessly toward common goals, I am talking about a profound awe at the possibilities afforded us by the universe, the future. I do not believe one should live for the future, live for today and you live for today and tomorrow, but one of life's greatest pleasures is in overcoming obstacles and solving problems so it follows that in solving the problems of today we create a better future for everyone. I say that problems such as pollution, poverty, world hunger, oppression and anything else you can think of can be solved, perhaps it is youthful idealism but for what purpose do the young become idealistic other than to provide the world with a new outlook and ideas to create their future? My idea of a way to help the youth of today would be a program. This program could be called Youth Out Reach. It would be a place in a central area like Downtown, for instance. It would be a center that would cater to the needs of youth, our community. This center could have a health section where counselors and doctors are on hand to talk to teenagers. The counselors could help in giving advice and the doctors with health issues affecting the youth. There could be teen forums here, to bring up issues, and how adults could help the youth resolve them. Food could be available to ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included)

How to Write a Perfect Admin Assistant Cover Letter (Examples Included) Here at TheJobNetwork, we talk a lot about how to build the perfect resume- after all, it’s your chance to show a potential employer who you are, what you do, and what you will do for them. But although the cover letter has become somewhat controversial in recent years, with the advent of digital hiring tools and job application apps, it’s an element that you should be able to knock out of the park when you need it.For admin assistants, the cover letter can be a useful way to personalize your resume and packaging for the job to which you’re applying. Having been there, I know the pluses and minuses of having versatile admin experience- sure, you’ve got flexible skills that you can take pretty much everywhere. but when you’re trying to frame yourself as a unique candidate, how do you take those universal admin skills and experience and make them fit the exact job you want?First, let’s start with the basics of a good cover letter.Necessity #1: An Appropriate AddresseeIf you have a direct name (hiring manager, recruiter, etc.), all the better- make sure the opener is polite and personalized. If you don’t have a specific name, you can still personalize it to the company.For example:Dear Ms. Perkins,  Hello Ms. Perkins,  Greetings Ms. Perkins,  Dear Techedge Industries Team,You need to strike the right balance between conversational and formal. Definitely don’t go too casual. The fact that you’re likely submitting these online, or writing an email, can lead to a false sense of familiarity with the person.Bad examples:Hey Phyllis,  Phyllis Perkins,  Hello:  To Whom it May Concern:All of these greetings are either too casual, or too vague. â€Å"To Whom it May Concern† is the cover letter equivalent of getting mail addressed to â€Å"occupant†: chances are it’s going to be passed on without reading. It suggests that the cover letter writer is applying indiscriminately. that might not be the case (you might just be covering for the fact that you don’t have a specific contact person), but they don’t know that). it’s important to be as clear and direct as possible in your cover letter.Necessity #2: Your NarrativeThe whole point of your cover letter is adding context to you, and your resume. On your resume, you have limited space, and the priority goes to potent, high-quality bullet points to illustrate your skills and experience. The cover letter is your chance to craft the larger story of your career, and why you would be a good fit for this job in particular.For example:As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with Gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems t hat improve  record keeping  and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.Bad example:I am applying for a job at Gina’s homemade cookie company. Please see my attached resume, and let me know if you have any questions.In the good example, the applicant shows that she’s done her research on Gina’s homemade cookie company (company size, general culture), and is showing how she might fit well in that (as a baking enthusiast and experienced admin). The writer doesn’t necessarily go into her life history, but picks highlights that dovetail well with the job description. It also gives the reader a preview of the kinds of experience to expect in the resume.In the bad example, the cover letter body says nothing about the writer and does nothing to supplement the resume. It’s just an unnecessary attachment.Necessity #3: A Strong FinishAlways have a clo sing paragraph that restates the highlights (why you’re a good fit) and leaves room for follow-up.For example:I would love to have the opportunity to join your team and look forward to hearing more about this opening. My skills and experience as an admin (and a cookie enthusiast) would be a great fit as an administrative assistant in your company. please don’t hesitate to contact me if there’s any other information I can provide.Bad example:Please let me know more about this job opening.In these examples, one writer reminds the reader why she is a good fit; the other writer puts the onus on the reader to give more information about the job itself and says nothing about herself in the meantime. You want to make sure you’re aligning yourself with the job in the reader’s mind, and this is your last chance to do so before they read your resume.Necessity #4: Clean FormattingLike with your resume, you want your cover letter to be clear and easy to read. That means:A standard font.  This is not the time to test out â€Å"fun† fonts. Pick something clean and basic, like times.No huge blocks of text.  In a letter, unbroken paragraphs can look like the ramblings of a manifesto. You want your reader to see a series of separate, elegantly outlined points.Short Length.  A cover letter should never be more than a page, and even a full page is definitely pushing it. Brevity is the soul of wit and the friend of application readers everywhere.For example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies, and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expecta tions you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Bad example:My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role. I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookies and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.That’s a lot to cram into one paragraph. Crafting shorter, punchier paragraphs can help you focus your letter on the points you want the reader to notice, and keep it visually appealing as well.After that closing pitch, all you have left is the closing. Like with the opening address, it should be simple and polite. Not too flowery (â€Å"kindest warmest regards, dear recruiter† is†¦unnecessary.For example:Best wishes,Sincerely,Bad examples:Thanks.Fondest wishes,[name- no greeting]Please hit me back,  And after that, you’re done! Well, except for the resume, the interview, and the negotiation. But your cover letter is in the books, and you have been introduced to your possible future employer.Let’s take a last look at the sample cover letter as a whole:Dear Ms. Perkins,As an experienced administrative assistant and a lifelong home baker, I am thrilled to be applying for this position with gina’s homemade cookie company. Ive worked in companies that are large, small, and somewhere in between, and have found that my skills fit best in a small, close-knit company like Gina’s. I have experience implementing new systems that improve record keeping and office efficiency, and with working as part of a team coordinating complex schedules and details while making sure everything gets done on time.My attached resume goes into more detail about my daily job duties and achievements during my tenure as an administrative assistant at two companies. My experience managing complex schedules, overseeing busy offices, and leading junior staff would be an asset to this role.I would love to have to opportunity to join the team at Gina’s homemade cookie and bring my expertise in managing day-to-day office processes to your company. I believe I can meet and exceed the expectations you have for this role, and I look forward to speaking more with you about my application. Feel free to contact me at any time.Sincerely,Francine WatersShort, to-the-point, informative, appropriate: now thats a letter that shows what a good admin assistant francine would be!Looking for an administrative assistant job? TheJobNetwork has you covered! Search admin assistant jobs  in your city:  hundreds of jobs in many fields await!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Newborn Thermoregulation at birth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Newborn Thermoregulation at birth - Essay Example The temperature of the baby is dependent not only on the thermoregulation of the baby, but also on the environment and the clinical condition of the baby. It is a very interesting fact that, an unattended baby loses heat very fast and the temperature can decrease by several degrees (British Columbia Reproductive Care Program Policy Manual, 2003). Nurses and midwives who attend to deliveries have a major role to play in helping newborn babies maintain temperature. They are the first people to come in contact with the little ones and they have a major responsibility to ensure that the baby is able to maintain appropriate temperature. They also need to make sure that the environment of the baby, including the towels, resuscitation equipment and the room are pre-warmed much before the baby is delivered. Attending to the needs of temperature in babies is very important because thermal disparities can lead to devastating metabolic consequences and can contribute to increased morbidity and mortality in the newborn. In this essay, thermal regulation in a newborn will be discussed. In this context, the role of a midwife in promoting the health of the newborn will also be reviewed. The capacity of the body to maintain equilibrium between production of heat and loss of heat for sustenance of temperature of the body within a normal range is known as thermoregulation. Neutral thermal environment is that environment in which the infant uses only minimal oxygen and expends minimal energy for maintenance of temperature. Thermoregulation of newborn is a much studied and important topic because; disruptions in thermal regulation can lead to hyperthermia and cold stress, both of which can lead to devastating metabolic consequences in the newborn. The normal core body temperature of the newborn is 36.5- 37.2 degree C. Severe hypothermia is when the temperature is

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How the Russian Economy Can Regain Its International Presence Essay

How the Russian Economy Can Regain Its International Presence - Essay Example This research will begin with the definition of a Market Economy. Janos Kornai's book The Socialist System: The Political Economy of Communism is a useful point of departure for defining a market economy. Five distinctive features of a socialist economy versus a market economy follow naturally from his classification. First, the foremost criterion of the communist economy was the supremacy of the Communist Party, with its ideology and politics, over the economy. This is so evident that it is often neglected. Now it has ceased. The economy has become depoliticized. Second, centralized state allocation, with centralized commands to enterprises on physical output targets and deliveries, has ended. State orders lingered on for some time in 1992 and 1993, but now they have been whittled down to nothing. Vertical, administrative allocation has been replaced by free, horizontal bargaining between independent enterprises. The economy has been liberalized both internally and externally. For i mports, all quotas are gone, and the protectionism the researcher discusses amounts to the level of the customs tariffs. For exports, some quotas, licenses, and taxes remain, but export deregulation is proceeding and an important additional step was taken in a presidential edict of May 23, 1994. In spite of periodic setbacks in the internal liberalization, market saturation is increasing steadily. The allocation has become depoliticized.... Consequently, the remaining state enterprises are independent, as in a market economy. Ownership has been depoliticized. Fourth, the economy has been monetized and the ruble has become a real, reasonably convertible, currency, with a unified exchange rate that is market-deter-mined and floating. Admittedly, the volume of U.S. dollars in circulation and in Russian bank accounts exceeds the volume of Russian rubles in Russia, but the dollar is also a currency. The problem here is not lack of monetization but the stabilization of the ruble. Fifth, the last major hurdle to making Russia a market economy was to introduce hard budget constraints in enterprises. This was essentially done on September 25, 1993, when President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree abolishing subsidized credits. The refinance rate was already high and rose to 17.5 percent a month--that is, 593 percent a year--on October 15, 1993, and it has stayed high in real terms since then. The budget deficit has been kept fixed at about 9-10 percent of GDP. Thus, since October 1992, Russia and Russian enterprises have faced a severe monetary squeeze, and Russia has reacted exactly as market economies do: the inflation rate has fallen, from over 20 percent a month last year to about 9 percent a month from February through April 1994. As a result, during those months Russia had a positive real interest rate of 9 percent a month, or 180 percent a year. A Russian enterprise in trouble can no longer count on the state to bail it out. Credit has become relatively, thou gh not completely, depoliticized (Aslund p. 5-6). The current attempt at financial stabilization may fail, and the social costs of the Russian transition might rise higher because of gradualism and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A Roman Revolution Essay Example for Free

A Roman Revolution Essay It was May 30, 1347.  Ã‚   The city was once at the center of the world, and varying nations vied to pay homage.  Ã‚   Since that time, however, its institutions, its buildings, and its very name seem to have been forgotten by time.  Ã‚   Local nobility compete for control while the rest of the populace starved, and banditry thrived.  Ã‚   The religious shrines and public buildings were dilapidated, and worn out from neglect.   From this one day, however, and from one such ruin, issued a declaration from a man who stirred hope in people’s breast.   Ã‚   Cola di Rienzo, who in the course of time would ambitiously set himself up as a virtual dictator in the city, at that moment declared the restitution of the Roman Republic, to the cheers of an excited throng.  Ã‚   The restless crowd seemed far disconnected from the reality of a Holy Roman Empire, independent Italian city-states, Norman and Spanish sovereignty in the south, or the hundred more kingdoms and treaties that kept Italy divided and the Republic from becoming reality, but no one cared.   A brief, tragic drama began to unfold, taking hold of the city and its dreamer alike.  Ã‚   For a few months, the Roman Republic seemed to breathe life and its Dictator Rienzo came close to uniting Italy.  Ã‚   The smaller city-states and principalities all sent their delegations and intentions to forming a loose federation with Rome.  Ã‚   And the Dictator put ambitious reforms and decrees, which championed the cause of the people.   His pride, however, got the better of him, and he soon alienated the senators and the Church.  Ã‚   The senators amassed armies against him, and the Pope called to the people to reject him.  Ã‚   Having lost all his allies, he fled the city, wandering Italy to find people to rally for his cause.   Ã‚  Dejected, beaten, his spirit finally broken, he surrendered to the Pope in Avignon, and was allowed to return to Rome where the people could not long stomach his disillusionment and killed him as a traitor[1].   This brief Roman Revolution was an early experiment of that age to attempt the reconstitution of an age that seemed lost in time.  Ã‚   The people of the Renaissance, from the artisan to the poet, was fascinated with ancient Greek traditions and culture and created works of art that mimicked Classic styles.  Ã‚   Ancient texts were gathered from the libraries where it was copied and preserved, and crude attempts at translation were made to introduce these historical artifacts to the world.  Ã‚   Most of the entire Renaissance was electrified at the thought of the old â€Å"heroic† Roman Republic, and the Caesars and Ciceros that once walked the Forum.   In due course, this paper would seek to identify the sources of the ideology behind the Italian Renaissance’s fascination with the ancient Greco-Roman, and how it seemed to suit their needs.  Ã‚   The paper will then explain the various attempts to reconstitute the past in the present, and how close they were in succeeding.    Once more, a Roman World   The thought of a restored Rome was not unique to Renaissance thought.  Ã‚   Even as the western portion of the empire collapsed under the pressure of barbarian migrations, the eastern emperor Justinian drafted ambitious plans of gaining back the lost lands of Gaul, Italy, Spain and Africa. This having failed, the Frankish kings, and later the German emperors, stylized themselves as Caesars that had legitimacy given to them by the authority of the Pope and the acquiescence of the eastern emperor.   Italian dreams of Rome, however, had political and cultural context.   They loathed the plain ugliness of Gothic and barbarian architecture, and largely preserved the Roman tradition and culture.   They lamented Italian as a bastardized form of Latin, and deplored Dante’s use of the former as the vernacular. Italian writers, at the beginning of the Renaissance, began to collect ancient texts from faraway libraries[2].  Ã‚   Petrarch, the Father of the Renaissance, was the first of the writers to amass Greek and Latin texts, and encouraged a fellow writer, Boccaccio, to pore into Greek research.   Unique also in the Renaissance, was the way the ancient texts were interpreted. In the medieval ages, the various ancient works of art were interpreted in Christian context.  Ã‚   Pagan ideals and traditions were explained with a Christian theme. Thus, a Hercules-like figure would be used to represent Christ.  Ã‚   The Renaissance began to separate the contemporary Christian thought from the ancient texts, and began to appreciate the latter in their historical context. They read into classical texts their appropriate classical meaning; they did not allegorize Latin writings as one to justify medieval Christian Europe, but in the context of ancient Rome[3].   The thought of a united Italy was sometimes reconciled with the restoration of the ancient Greco-Roman tradition.   Ã‚  Rienzo certainly thought of this when he donned the garb of the old senatorial toga and declared the return of the Roman Republic. Petrarch saw it when he asked King Charles IV of Bohemia to unite all of Italy[4], and many might have seen it when the son Alexander VI, Cesare Borgia, began a long campaign to win back much of the lost cities of the Papal States.   Conclusion: Historical Myopia   For all the dreams and ideals of the Renaissance Italians, a Roman Republic could not be reconstituted from 14th to 15th century Europe.  Ã‚   The Holy Roman Empire, primarily, would not stand for a united Italy outside of their control or power, as they would, and have claimed, Italy as an integral part of the empire. Neither, however, can the Holy Roman emperors be able to unite Italy, as they become too embroiled in disputes with the Pope, who has nominal sway over the Italian city-states.  Ã‚   And the Popes, for all their universal spiritual authority, would not be able to wrest control of all of Italy from powerful independent Italian city-states, the Normans and the Spanish, the Germans and the French, and even the Greeks until their collapse in the latter half of the 15th century.   The Italian Renaissance sought to reintroduce ancient Greco-Roman thought into the mainstream, envisioning a past that was nobly glorious.  Ã‚   Several hundred years brings distance and unreality to history, even when taken from historical context.   The Italian city-states of the Renaissance was freer in practice with its people than the ancient Roman Republic, which countless times brought down reformer tribunes, and curbed attempts to relieve the proletariat in keeping the wealthy in their state.  Ã‚   The ancient Roman Empire was less free as the centuries passed, and its economy was in nightmarish shambles, a thought that the Renaissance Italians might have shuddered at.   In the end, the Renaissance Italians might have fallen in the same way their medieval counterparts have: to see the ancient culture in their contemporary values.   Certainly the Renaissance wanted to detach itself from the â€Å"barbarism† and disunity, which seemed to plague Europe, but the reforms of a Rienzo would have shocked the ancient Roman aristocracy, and Byzantine intrigue would be far closer to Roman court morals than the Renaissance Italian sensibilities.   A final word must be said of the Renaissance dream: in the 16th century, one man came closest to uniting Italy and much of Christendom under a loose â€Å"Roman empire†.  Ã‚   Politics and religion, in the end, got in the way, and Charles V of the Hapsburg dynasty and his successors would find himself humbled by an alliance of French, Turks, Protestants and even the Pope[5]. BIBLIOGRAPHY References Durant, Will. The Renaissance. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953. Durant, Will, Caesar and Christ. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1935. Rice, Eugene Jr., The Foundations of Early Modern Europe, 1460-1559. New York: W.W. Norton and Company,1971. Krailsheimer, A.J., The Continental Renaissance: 1500-1600. Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1970. [1] Durant, Will, The Renaissance (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953) 16-21. [2] Durant, Will, The Renaissance (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953) 67-69. [3] Rice, Eugene Jr., The Foundations of Early Modern Europe, 1460-1559 (New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1970) 72-76. [4] Durant, Will, The Renaissance (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1953) 46. [5] Krailsheimer, A.J.,   The Continental Renaissance: 1500-1600 (Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1971) 93-98.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Growing Problem of Child Homelessness in America Essay -- Becoming

It is something that a lot of us are used to seeing on a regular basis standing at the end of an off ramp holding a sign say â€Å"homeless and hungry.† You will see them wondering the streets digging through trash in search for something to eat. We see them everywhere and our initial reaction when we see them is to ignore them and not look at them. You especially avoid making eye contact with them and automatically label them as someone who is too lazy to go get a job or is a drug or alcohol addict and that they would much rather live on the streets. Homelessness is a continuing growing problem, with more and more not just adults but children forced to live on the streets. Homeless people are humans just like us. Being homeless, you are faced with an everyday constant battle just to stay alive. With the government, creating laws that are against them along with being mistreated by society on a daily basis and with little or no support at all makes it very hard to want to survive. Homelessness affects everyone. No matter their race, age, ethnic background (Rosenheck, 2007). Stewart B. McKinney definition of a homeless person is described as someone who "lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence; and has a primary night time residency that is: (A) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (Homeless, 2009) (B) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized (Homeless, 2009) or (C) a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human being" (Homeless, 2009). In 1987, the federal government decided to step in and passed the McKinney... ...ues are understood in terms of one’s society, culture, or even one’s own individual values (Mosser, 2010). Relativism, selfishness spread though our society like germs, To find a solution for homelessness and the cause and effects it has on a community as well as the person its self are complex. But no matter what skill, interest, age, or resource, there are always way to make a difference for some of the men, women, and children who are homeless (National Coalition for the Homeless, 2006). Works Cited Bonfantini, M. A., & Proni, G. (1988). To guess or not to guess? In U. Eco & T. A. Sebeok (Eds.), The sign of three: Dupin, Holmes, Pierce (pp. 112-119). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. An excellent essay on reasoning and the basis of guesswork. Wolf, E. (1990). Distinguished lecture: Facing power. American Anthropologist, 92, 586-596.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Measuring Macro Concepts

Inflation refers to a rise in the general level of prices of the goods and services we purchase for a period of time, so it is important to determine the inflation rate of our economy in a timely basis. This is to determine what courses of action we should take, including demands for higher wages, increased prices, and more. The current inflation rate of the U.S. for the month of January is about 4.28%, and is projected to go down little by little in the following months (Foldvary).The inflation rate need not be a worry for us, but we should be aware about it. As of now, we are in a time of stable prices, but these prices may change depending on various situations, which could affect the inflation rate. It is important to determine expected inflation since it is an important basis of the economy’s future inflation. This is because if there is no definite value given for the inflation and the public expects a higher inflation, then it would lead to workers demanding higher wage s. This would in turn affect employers, forcing them to raise the prices of their goods, thus resulting to the higher actual inflation.The current unemployment rate for the country is 4.9% in January of 2008, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate doesn’t necessarily mean that it could lead to deflation. Rather, it’s the other way around. Deflation makes it possible that real wages are raised, making it difficult and costly for the management to lower. This would result to layoffs and the employers are reluctant to hire new workers, thus leaving many people unemployed.The current market structure that the country have can be classified as a natural rate of unemployment, wherein it falls under the lowest rate of unemployment that a stable economy is able to achieve, which ranges from 1% to 5%. This could be due to the non-accelerating inflation, wherein it stays at a certain level that is comparatively tolerable for the country. This structur e results to a non-moving or non-accelerating inflation, since it is relatively lower posing no real threat to the economy.The current Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate is 4.6%. This is after a .6% slump from last year’s 5.2%. This could be accounted to the decline of the US dollar, which didn’t help the exports situation. This is because of still higher prices of imports like oil, which offsets the higher exports in terms of dollars ( to, the GDP will continue to slow down in the following months. It showed that both February and March of 2008 have 4.60% GDP growth rate. The months of April, May, and June have 4.50% GDP growth rate, while the month of July only has 4.20%. This continuous decline could be caused by unsettled economic problems and the continued weakening of the dollar ( distribution of wealth among each fifth of the families consistently show that the poorest group receive the least, while the ric hest fifth receive most of the total income, reaching more than 40% of the total. This has been the trend even before, wherein most of the rich people receive the greatest part of the income. The poorest receive the least, while those in between weren’t far from each other (Levy).This is not a fair type of distribution since the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. This has been the trend even before, the only difference is that there is an increase in each of the families’ income. This could be because of the increasing prices of commodities that they have to strive for better paying jobs.Works Cited:Foldvary, Fred E. â€Å"Inflation, Employment and Money†.   1997. February 24 â€Å"U.S. Nominal Gdp Growth Forecast†.   2008. February 24 2008. .Levy, Frank. â€Å"Distribution of Income†.   1990. February 24 2008. .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

‘Of Mice and Men’ †The Theme Of Lonelyness Essay

Many of the characters in ‘Of Mice and Men’ are lonely. They experience loneliness and seek comfort in many different ways. Loneliness is defined as the unhappiness that is felt by someone because they do not have any friends or do not have anyone to talk to. People deal with loneliness in many ways. Introverts form a barrier and keep people away. They want to be isolated from others and keep to themselves. They have neither roots nor friends. Introverts usually keep quiet and draw in on themselves. However, extroverts are the opposite. They seek attention and react to their environment by being aggressive or are overwhelmed with emotions. Loneliness is a major theme in ‘Of Mice and Men’; George and Lennie manage to avert it by their relationship; it embitters Candy and Crooks and it kills Curley’s wife. Steinbeck sees loneliness as a part of the human condition, something we are born with, and something we either fight or endure for the rest of our lives. Soledad, ‘Our Lady of Loneliness’ is not a nurturing environment. It is a place where everybody is isolated because there is a lack of trust and friendship. The Great Depression of 1929 led to this because in many states of America there was unemployment, a lack of money and no relief offered to jobless men and women. Without work, many people lost their self-respect; others continually struggled to find work, often travelling thousands of miles across America, leaving homes and families behind them. They were known as itinerant workers. In the country things were almost worse than they were in the cities; farmers were being driven off their land, there had been a series of droughts which had ruined the crops and dried up the soil and farmers could not afford to re-pay the bank loans which helped them to buy their farms in the first place. Men used to move from ranch to ranch trying to look for work to earn a living and because of this, it was hard for them to make friends. Some who realise that they are lonely seek comfort in many ways such as having a ream or reading books like Crooks does. Others who are lonely, like Curley do not seek comfort because they are not aware of it. During that time, many of the Americans sought comfort by having the American dream; which was to own a piece of land however big it was and to earn money from it. One of the characters who experiences loneliness and seeks comfort by having a dream is George. He does not experience it as much as the other characters on the ranch as he has a companion, someone who he can befriend. George looks after Lennie and acts like a parent figure. An example of this is when Lennie drinks â€Å"from the surface of the green pool.† George is always looking out for him to protect him from danger. â€Å"‘Lennie!’ he said sharply. ‘Lennie, for God’s sake don’t drink so much.† George has to take care of Lennie, even though he knows that Lennie has a disability, he continues to teach him about what is right and wrong. However, George does suffer loneliness as he is often seen playing solitaire in the bunkhouse alone. George may be lonely because he cannot have intellectual conversations in his relationship with Lennie. Therefore, he often goes to the whorehouse with the other men on the ranch. Although George is more likely to be lonely than Lennie, they share true companionship. They are able to trust each other and are together as one. They are two completely different characters yet they are so close. George is like a parent figure who is â€Å"small and quick† and Lennie the complete opposite; someone who is â€Å"large.† The men on the ranch see it as a surprise to see the two of them together; they cannot understand the relationship that these two share as the have never had it themselves and do not understand that they themselves are lonely. Slim admires George and Lennie’s relationship because he understands that people do need friends. â€Å"He ain’t mean,† said Slim. â€Å"I can tell a mean guy a mile off.† His wise nature helps him to understand Lennie and the situation George is in. Although at first Candy does not understand George and Lennie’s relationship, he begins to understand it when he loses his dog. However, Carlson nor Curley do not understand their relationship, as they are not aware that it exists themselves. Those who do realise seek comfort. George and Lennie both share a dream together. â€Å"Some day- we’re gonna get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an’ a cow and some pigs-â€Å" â€Å"An’ live off the fatta the lan.† The dream gives them something to live for; without each other, the dream is worthless. Later in the novel when Lennie is shot George does not want to continue with the dream because he knows that it cannot happen, as Lennie is not there anymore. George tries to seek his comfort by talking to Slim and telling him how he feels. He is able to do this, as Slim understands what he is going through. The dream he shares with Lennie also helps him to seek comfort; this makes him feel closer to Lennie as they are sharing it. George knows that the dream is unattainable yet he still keeps hold onto it. â€Å"I’m stayin’ right here. I don’t want to get mixed up in nothing. Lennie and me got to make a stake.† This suggests that George needs Lennie’s hospitality and without him, the dream is nothing whatsoever. Lennie seeks comfort by petting small animals. He has a need for physical contact, usually with small animals. This makes him unable to control this need to display warmth and he is unable to see the consequences even though he â€Å"were sick the previous night.† Being able to learn from the past is one of his dangerous failings and it seems to catch up with him wherever he goes. Lennie is not lonely because he has George. Without George, Lennie would not be able to survive because he constantly needs to be taken care of. Another reason why Lennie might not be lonely is that he does not know what loneliness is, therefore he does not realise that people on the ranch are lonely, he just knows that he does not like it on the ranch. â€Å"Le’s go, George. Le’s get outa here. It’s mean here.† This suggests that Lennie has some sense of danger; even though he does not know what it is, therefore he feels uncomfortable, scared, and insecure. Another character that is also insecure is Crooks; he is lonely because the other men on the ranch do not mix with him as he is black, a â€Å"Negro,† and has also injured his back. Even though he did have part of the dream when he was younger; he has now lost it and misses it. The fact that he did have the dream and has now lost it makes it even more distressing for him because usually if you have not had something you do not miss it. However, if you do have it and then you lose it, you become intense, insecure, and scared to communicate with others because you might be afraid that you may lose your individuality. There is racial prejudice in Soledad, which makes Crooks isolated therefore, he is aware that no one likes him and feels ostracised from the bunkhouse. Crooks is â€Å"proud† and â€Å"aloof† because he has learnt to be this way this due to the years of constant abuse therefore, he suffers alone in silence by reading â€Å"a mauled copy of the California Civil code for 1905†. This suggests that he is literate, independent, and knowledgeable as his purpose is to educate himself and is very aware of his rights. As Crooks is lonely, it has a negative effect on his behaviour as he becomes aggressive with anyone who comes into his bunkhouse and he does not like to communicate with others. He is more of a reserved character who gets angry and is emotional. He says â€Å"You got no right to come in my room† because he is not used to visitors as he is isolated from others and has no clue what George’s friendship means to Lennie when he tells Lennie that George is not going to come back. His anger and pride get the better of him on this occasion; he uses it as a defence against the harsh treatment he receives from the people on the ranch. Crooks tries to seek comfort from the loneliness he has; he does this by talking to Candy and Lennie about the past and his feelings even though he knew that Lennie is not listening to what he is trying to say. This made Crooks relieve the emotions he had drawn into himself. At first, he is â€Å"aloof† but gradually realises that Lennie is not a threat because his manner is open and not prejudice. He reveals about his childhood when he played with white kids and was unaware of prejudice. He happens to realise that the value of communicating is important and taunts Lennie with the idea that George might not return for him because he seems to get pleasure in Lennie feeling the loneliness he feels. Crooks happens to know â€Å"It’s just bein’ with another guy. That’s all † that counts. He causes torture and knows that Lennie is understanding about him being lonely because â€Å"Crooks’ face lighted with pleasure in his torture† and when â€Å"a guy gets too lonely, he gets sick.† He knows this because he has had the love and affection from his childhood and has experienced the American dream; the same dream George and Lennie want to achieve. â€Å"I remember when I was a little kid on my old man’s chicken ranch. Had two brothers. They was always near me, always there.† Crooks remembers a happy childhood with the companionship of his brothers. He becomes friendly with Lennie because he knows that Lennie wants the dream as much as he does and he also knows that â€Å"never a god-damn one of ’em ever gets it† because it is unattainable. Curley’s wife is another lonely character in â€Å"Of Mice and Men.† She presents herself as a tart because of the intense loneliness she experiences. She seems to always want to get attention from the other men however this does not happen the way she wants it to because everyone she approaches rejects her. She is treated like a possession by Curley and is not expected to have her own personality. Although the other people on the ranch do notice her, they do not communicate with her for fear of Curley’s anger. It is sad that she cannot communicate with the men and that there are no women on the ranch for her to befriend. She is vulnerable and a miserable, immature women who is desperate for love and companionship. The reason why she is so miserable is that she did not have enough confidence to trust her mother. She was brought up in the atmosphere of violence and this is what has made her personality, which is an extrovert, who seeks attention from others; but truly inside from the heart she is quite pleasant woman whose personality was not yet discovered by the men on the ranch until she was dead. Curley’s wife wears â€Å"her fingernails red† and â€Å"she has a little bouquet of ostrich feathers in the insteps of her mules.† Not only this but she also provokes attention by â€Å"thrusting her body forward† in the doorway when George and Lennie are introduced. Her â€Å"full rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up† shows that she is always seeking attention, and is very flirtatious. The way she moved, â€Å"so that her body was thrown forward† shows she is provocative even with strangers, such as George and Lennie. At first she is portrayed as a tart because she is described as a girl â€Å"who had full, rouged lips† and â€Å"her fingernails were red†; this suggests that she is presented as a tart as red is symbolic for danger and passion; but a the novel develops we begin to understand why she behaves in a flirty way. We are able to see what she is really like inside and if she had more confidence and trust in her then maybe she could have been a different person. She â€Å"coulda been in the movies, an’ had nice clothes. all of them nice clothes to wear† and she â€Å"coulda sat in them big hotels, an’ had pitchers’ taken† of herself. However, her dream could not have been achieved because the man who promised her all this never wrote back. She wants to overcome her loneliness by being in the movies and wants to have some friends to befriend. Curley’s wife is lonely because of her actions. They have led to her being lonely and desperate for affection and comradeship. She has a different image to how the men perceive her. She wants recognition by others to show them that she is not a tart and she can be a friendly person. She shows her vulnerability and humanity by considering Lennie by trying to tell him how she feels. Curley’s wife tells Lennie her secret because she knows that Lennie will not say anything and even though he does not understand what she is trying to say, he is able to just listen to what she says. Candy is totally opposite to Curley’s wife as she is an extrovert and he is an introvert. Candy is lonely not only because he has lost his dog but his dream has also been shattered. Candy was very proud of his dog and it is a shame that they were parted; as together, their companionship was strong. Candy said â€Å"you wouldn’t think it to look at him now, but he was the best damn sheep dog I ever seen† because he loved his dog and it was the only thing that stopped him from being lonely; he was very compassionate about his dog. When Carlson assumes that Candy can soon get another pet, Candy is being pressurised by him and has to give the dog up. If you love someone so much then you will let them go because you would want to do the right thing for them rather than being selfish and choosing what is right for you. Candy’s dream is to be with George and Lennie and own a ranch. He announces to Curley’s wife that they are going to have a house of their own. Curley’s wife appreciates this and makes him angry but he controls his temper and orders her to leave, telling her that she is not wanted. Candy gains confidence and courage to tell her what people think of her. Candy’s eagerness shows that the dream is actually becoming a reality to him. â€Å"I ain’t much good but I could cook, tend the chickens and hoe the garden.† He is willing to help around the farm and to buy the ranch because he is desperate for his dream to become a reality and wants companionship. He knows that he is an old man almost useless because of his age and a broken hand yet he is willing to sacrifice everything he has just for his dream to come true. Candy is lucky to have a dog for companionship because he and his dog are the closest thing on a ranch to George and Lennie’s relationship. His dog was â€Å"a good sheep dog when he was younger. He stood his broom against the wall.† He is lucky because the other characters do not have anything to love or trust. He felt that he should have shot the dog himself. Candy is angry with Curley’s wife because he knows that she has destroyed their dream. But after he realises that she was in pain, was sad and looking for companionship. â€Å"Now Candy spoke in his greatest fear,† tells us that he was terrified that his dream had been shattered. Candy tries to overcome loneliness by shutting everyone out and is left to grieve in his own world. The silence indicates pain and loneliness. When his dog was shot, Candy â€Å"rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay silent† because there was tension built up in the atmosphere and Candy was upset because of the loss of his dog. Candy curls up into a foetal position. His spirits are lifted when he is part of the dream but then again it is shattered when Curley’s wife dies. He forms a barrier and shields himself from the outside world. He experiences anxiety and does not want to talk to anyone because he is too upset and he finds it difficult to talk to them about his problems. Curley is also lonely but does not realise it. His loneliness has affected his character. He is very aggressive and feels superior to the other men, especially those who are larger than him. This suggests that he wants to have power over everyone else. His aggression shows his character suggests that he is very short tempered â€Å"an’ Curley’s handy, god-damn handy† as he â€Å"got in the finals for the Golden Gloves.† Curley has no trust in anyone not even in his wife as â€Å"he spends half his time lookin’ for her.† He treats her like a possession and even though he has only married her for a week, he is always looking for her. He is an extrovert who is insecure. He seeks comfort by beating up people. When the men on the ranch gather to attack him, he feels threatened by it and has to prove that he is superior to everyone else. He does this by attacking Lennie and lashing out on him even though Lennie has not done anything to him. He says â€Å"come on, ya big bastard† because he wants Lennie to feel how he feels and wants to beat him up because he is larger than him. Curley does not know that he is lonely; he thinks that everyone has a lower status than him so he can boss them around. His dream is to have power over everyone else and wants to get respect from them. His dream has already been achieved. In â€Å"Of Mice and Men† Steinbeck shows us that those who have no understanding of relationship are totally unaware of George’s and Slim’s emotions because they have no friendships themselves. Carlson’s final observations are insensitive and show that he is ignorant of his own loneliness. Neither he nor Curley understands the pain George is experiencing. George and Lennie manage to avert loneliness by their relationship. Steinbeck sees loneliness as a part of the human condition, something we are born with, and something we either fight or endure for the rest of our lives. â€Å"I seen hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches with their bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing on their heads. Hundreds of them. They come, an’ they quit an’ go on; an’ every dam one of ’em’s got a little piece of land in his head. An’ never a god-damn one of ’em ever gets it.† Steinbeck suggests that everyone has a dream even though it is unattainable; it keeps their spirits up and makes them look forward to achieving, something that is inspiring and to keep their hopes up.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Shell Strategy Essay Example

Shell Strategy Essay Example Shell Strategy Paper Shell Strategy Paper Shell uses a broad differentiation strategy. Their business model is built on quality and differentiation which they use to set the company apart from its competitors. Shell is viewed worldwide as one of the most successful oil and gas impasses, and is consistently ranked as a top-producer in each and every field in which they partake. Shell capitalizes on their successes by staying broad throughout their endeavors and allowing no opportunity, within their given fields, to pass them by. Shell integrates both horizontally and vertically, and as a result, they hold a formidable market share of each the oil and gas industry, the energy industry, and the chemical industry. Due to their interests in these fields, Shells products are used around the world, and they therefore have a hand in Just about every market, of every kind worldwide. How valid is this strategy? Shells overall group strategy of More Upstream and Profitable Downstream, is a broad differentiation strategy and is vital for accompany such as Shell, as they must strive to be one step ahead of the competition. The essence of a broad differentiation strategy is to be unique in ways that are valuable to a wide range of customers. One industry that Shell has recently entered is renewable energy, which is considered the future of energy, and a replacement for burning fossil fuels. If Shell chooses not to enter this market, Exxon would possible capture about 50% of his market in the United States. This would create a serious disadvantage for Shell in the very near future. Although Shell is predominantly an oil and gas company, they continue to innovate and reach out to new endeavors within markets that can be closely related to their own, or sometimes completely different. Why is this strategy good? Shells strategy is good because it allows the company to work vertically and horizontally throughout the oil and gas industry. They operate a global downstream market with its Lube Oil Blending and Manufacturing Plants, Chemical Plants, and Refineries. They have a strong brand preference in the retail market. Shell has supply and trading optimization of diesel, naphtha, gasoline and kerosene throughout the world. Their operational excellence in Technology has allowed them to use its knowledge of all aspects of their business to expand into areas that it previously was not participating. The broad differentiation strategy is vital for most multinational corporations as it forces management to grow and adapt to ever changing market demands. If Shell was not broadly differentiated, then companies who are now implementing wind power or other sources of renewable energy, would sibyl be capable of forcing oil companies like Shell to a small, weak corner of the energy sector. Who doesnt want cleaner, safer sources of renewable energy? The marketing department knows the answerer this is a question, and that is why they pursue alternative energy sources Walt Trolley A strategy of multinational diversification has more built-in potential for competitive advantage than any other diversification strategy. Therefore, companies that compete multinational can pursue competitive advantage in world markets by locating their value chain activities in whatever nations prove most advantageous. Why is this strategy bad? Playing devils advocate, Shells strategy can be viewed as negative because it could possibly create a massive drain on financial resources, due to their broad reach across the industry spectrum. However, in order to conduct business in areas around the globe, and research new ideas to stay competitive, Shell and other companies should utilize a broad differentiation strategy. How is the competition going to act? Unfortunately for Shell, the competition is going to continue to do exactly what Shell is doing. Shell, Exxon, Chevron, and all of the major oil and gas companies are always going to attempt to stay one step ahead of their competitors. All of them are searching for the best clean fuels, the best sources of renewable energy, and the next innovation in their fields. The competition in this sector is fierce. Each of these companies must spend billions of dollars each year Just to stay competitive. Research, surveying, recruiting, and acquisitions are all vital aspects of Shells business and the competitors are all fighting for the same information, talents, and technological advancements. On the other hand, Shell does compete well with energy companies who offer one f the four other competitive strategies. Those who offer a focused strategy fail, as companies such as Shell typical buy them out if the ideas they have become a threat to the top producers. Low cost and best-cost strategies fail in the energy sector as well, because as everyone knows, energy is a lucrative and expensive business made profitable by the enormous profit margins put on certain products. Health Safety Environment Sustainable Development Department We received feedback and information from the Health and Safety Environment Sustainable Development Department. Our contact, Anomaly Banned, is an advisor or this department. This department has the responsibility to support Shells Business strategy and its delivery. Mostly for environmental management that underlines Shells priorities. They mitigate and manage potential environmental impacts, and identify opportunities of Shells operations and projects. In addition, they have to follow the Finance, Governance and Management, and Social Performance, Information and Management, and People Standards; they create for the entire Shell groups. I en strategy AT teen satiety department Is Adult around People, Performance Ana Progress. Their goal is to develop people by creating and maintaining an environment where people can succeed, identify strengths and improvement areas where continuous performance can be delivered, and manage risks effectively whereby progress can be made with stakeholders. Their goal is to demonstrate world class performance in their area with the partnership of all the Shell businesses. Right now, this departments core competency is committed to creating an environment in Shell where Goal Zero can be achieved. In this environment there are zero safety incidents, zero environmental incidents, and zero delays due to ejaculatory or community challenge. They must cultivate the right mindset about incidents and about their responsibility for preventing them. Since, Shell works globally, the standards set by Shell are consistent for all of the Shell business across the globe. Goal Zero, the 12-Life saving rules, etc. Are all the same regardless to what country they are working in. Group standards are used which are rules on enterprise-wide risks that require common treatment across Shell companies. Shell maintains group HOSE Performance Data that is shared with the industry. They assure their success through the Goal Zero progress and performance against key HOSE parameters of fatalities, fatal accident rate, total recordable case frequency, lost time injury frequency, total recordable occupational injury frequency against exposure hours. In order for Shell to differentiate their service from competition and to provide unique value to customers they do the following: Every Shell Company has a systematic approach to HOSE SP management designed to ensure compliance with the law and to achieve continuous performance improvement; sets targets for improvement and measures, appraises and reports performance; requires annotators to manage HOSE SP in line with this policy; requires Joint ventures under its operational control to apply this policy, and uses its influence to promote it in its there ventures; engages effectively with neighbors and impacted communities; and includes HOSE SP performance in the appraisal of staff and rewards accordingly. The major problem for this department is the environmental management. This includes: global leadership, face time, and performance. This department has trouble working and completing assignments/tasks with their international departments due to lack of actual face to face conta ct. The tasks take longer to achieve because leadership is hard to keep intact globally. The managers/leaders all have common ways to do business, but sometimes do not have sufficient input. Also included is the departments performance for improvement. Recommendations: Based on SOOT analysis, one way to resolve Shells approach to environmental management is by focusing on its Environment Strategy and Action Plan. The department can comply Ana roller regulatory Ana Internal environmental compliance in all activities. Improve and deliver prioritize environmental performance improvements in support of business execution. Be prepared for significant business environmental challenges and opportunities of the future. With this recommendation Shell can focus on this plan and clearly follow steps to increase the departments performance. Employees work globally, including the leadership teams. These teams meet to ensure alignment is consistent across the globe. There must be constant communication globally between all of Shells arms. Shells generally centralized organization could potential limit the ability of rank-and-file employees, and based on SOOT, this is a weakness that Shell should address. Decentralization their organization in certain areas will give employees the ability to react quicker to market changes, as well as adverse situations. One way to control decentralized organizations is to provide training guides and manuals. This action increases potential leadership skills for the employees to rely on when global problems occur. A program that can be developed is to rotate graduate hires in the HOSE department within the first 5 years of their career at Shell. The expectation is that this rotation will increase their knowledge of HOSE environment, and give them an appreciation or this area of the business. Then by increasing their knowledge at the beginning of their career at Shell they can learn to better lead globally and learn environmental management. This includes the opportunity to work in the Health Safety Environment Sustainable Development and in a production are of the business which will increase challenges for them at such an early time. The benefit of developing better leaders definitely outweighs the cost of rotating these new hires. It will cause training to become a longer process because rather than training in one area; there would be raining in diverse areas in order to expand employees knowledge. The diverse training will make employees better rounded and the experience they gain will aid them when they encounter different situations. We highly recommend and encourage doing what is necessary to ensure Shell assignments are properly performed by investing in tools to create more face to face time. Visits to the sites, or adding venues/rooms to the locations where it can be possible to interact through the web. Shell employees are encouraged to do what is necessary to make certain Shell assignments are properly performed. Creating a time Ramee where the leader has to communicate with the international departments to assure things are correctly done. By increasing awareness of the leader more focus will be created to the assignment because it will be managed more. The manager presence will be known and can create a better working relationship. Shell should aim to have an HOSE SP performance they can be proud of, to earn the confidence of customers, shareholders and society at large, to be a good neighbor and to contribute to sustainable development globally. Shell should identify key environmental risks and opportunities and associated reputation exposures. This includes managing the risk of onshore and offshore spills across businesses through continuous Improvements to prevention Ana response Dye preparing or spell prevention in operational environments, which is in line with their commitment to pursue the goal of no harm to people; protect the environment; use material and energy efficiently to provide products and services; respect neighbors and contribute to the societies in which it operates; develop energy resources, products and services consistent with these aims; publicly report on performance; play a leading role in promoting best practice in the industries; manage HOSE and SP taters as any other critical business activity; and promote a culture in n which all n Shell employees share this commitment. The Health Safety Environment Sustainable Development Department has a fantastic way of ensuring the safety of all shell personnel. The department has high standards thus create Goal Zero, which are now used at all global offices. The pitfalls are the lack of leadership globally due to low face to face time and department performance. By generating more awareness towards leaders and increasing their leadership skills, this problem can be reduced slowly. As well as improving performance by creating a plan to be aware of regulatory improvements during business execution. In addition to commit to the goals that can create better The Supplier Management Department In the Supplier Management Department, they contract solutions and supply automated ways of coordinating key supplier relationships. Ms. Patricia Isaac was our interviewee, whose Job title is Cost Management Analyst, has been working for Shell for 8 years. Her responsibilities include Contracting Procurement to drive lower cost of supply through Enterprise Category Management. The Supplier Management Department delivers their services to all Shell business and their functions to drive lower supply cost through knowing their commercial suppliers with an execution of a focused mindset. They find automated ways of working (Contracts, Contractor HOSE, and Systems Processes), coordinate key supplier relationships across the Group and delivers SMS through the businesses and for the Functions and P Own Spend. In order to follow policy they receive guidance from the Supply Chain Model of Business Needs, Supply chain Cost Models, with this they comprehend the cost and value driver in Supply Management to identify opportunities so that the cost can be removed and have value added for Shell. They emphasize the guidelines of their contract management plan, in order to continue to define the expectation they need to fulfill with Shell in order to continue working with diverse segments. The overall strategy of the Supplier Management Department is to know the Business, know the Suppliers, be Commercial and execute Top Quartile performance to ensure they are a competitive differentiator for Shell. One area that is problematic in the Supplier Management Department is eliminating suppliers even Hough they meet selection criteria and not sustaining relationship with them. The current process of how the department in choosing their suppliers cuts down on the Innovation part AT Kennels strategy. I Nell procedure Is Toweling tongue teen companys market conditions and cost, and their requirements. They define and select contract type with appropriate reward and performance by tracking down mechanisms. In order to improve their performance, Supply Management needs to evaluate the suppliers proposal and continue to work with the supplier who will continue to work with them in order to pursue the optimization of distributing Hansel. The Supplier Management Department needs to consider logistical constraints and analyze the risks involved with each supplier. In order to maintain their competitive advantage, Shell must continue to assess which suppliers are keeping pace with the ever changing market. The broad differentiation strategy that Shell implements throughout the company stresses constant innovation in order to stay ahead of the imitative competitors. Shell knows that their competitors are always looking to imitate and progress before them, so it is vital that the supplier management department cut down on their potential suppliers. This will lead Shell to maintain their competitive advantage. It is our recommendation that Shell focus on their objective of ESSAY (Eliminate, Simplify, Standardize, Automate). Bringing focus in this area will assist them in interpreting which supplier can help them be more beneficial and will streamline the processes involved with getting the product to market. Failure to implement this strategy will continue to lead to inconsistent and ineffective approaches to knowing the supply side of the business and can have impact when dealing their international department. In order to increase the rive in, Shell executives must have an objective in which it they can enhance the companys competitive advantage. The set process of ESSAY is a key factor of the company to stay intact globally. Even though their process to eliminate company who do not meet Shells requirement, is already develop it needs to be strengthen in order for this area to be relevant to govern authority and be able to convert sourcing packages to Shell. The Supplier Management Department needs to have a clear contract management plan that segments and defines contract management expectations by area segments identified by Shell. In order to see the process of the effectiveness of the clear contract, receiving feedback from suppliers can improve future performance, fulfill contractual objectives, and fulfill mandatory HOSE (health, safety, security, and environment) requirements. In order to sustain the relationship with their supplier, they need to see how well established is their strategies, processes, and behaviors consistent with Shells diversity and inclusiveness. They need to work on the opportunity optimization of the suppliers relationship; the result from this is creating value in opportunities of generating more market segmentation. Ms. Isaac stated that they work to mature the supplier through the relationship stages of Proving; Performing; and Partnering with their suppliers globally. To continue the formality of the relationship they could also identify, engage, develop and sustain supplier inclusion efforts. Having both parties interest in mind can help them focus on the reduce effort of duplication and increase teen Arleen AT teen alma to enhance teen ell son s competitive advantage. At this moment, the Supplier Management Department is focusing on their Category Management and how to contract the process, improve the Global Framework Agreements and the Global Sustainable Sourcing. By improving these areas especially, the Category Management and the improvement of the agreement, can help them minimize the cost, using the effectiveness of the Cooperative Strategies will help them even the distribution of the responsibility in order to execute in the highest level of function. By supporting the strategic work of the Powering Progress Together with their suppliers it extends the enterprise by working across organizational boundaries. Continuing with their department core competencies, they delivers Project contracting solutions, sets global standard, liver benefits; attract sustain competitive advantage and benchmark top quartile performance with total quality behaviors and performance they set themselves apart from competitors. Shells HER processes, such as attraction, on boarding, retention, development of intellectual capital, and motivation can all increase Shells return on its investment in people. The HER function is responsible for putting these processes into practice in a way that delivers better business results. The HER role as a function is to provide the HER strategy and infrastructure, and to input to business strategy in a way that enables high performance and market attractiveness. The HER team contribute to the profitable and reputation of Shell. Shells HER function is aligned with Shells overall Group strategy of More Upstream and Profitable Downstream, and builds on their priority to deliver the short term imperatives of working with the businesses and functions, and ensuring delivery on identifying savings, developing the organization in a simpler and more accountable structure where there is greater speed for decision making and implementation, while building for long term impact and sustained improvement The four Shell HER Strategic Priorities are: I Strength I Weaknesses lopsidedness I Threats I I Talent Now a Sustainable Elf addressed, will meet the I Encompasses implementation IA promotion of diversity and I If left unaddressed, Shell I Future Supply I immediate talent demands of LIFO the resounding strategy I inclusiveness to help form allow not have an adequate I I I the business and address the land a focus on top quartile Score part of Shells People I pipeline of qualified recruitment I requirements I Standards. I long-term talent lymphocytes to succeed currently I I leaders. Strengthening Leadership I Reinforces the continued Shell has not developed an I Can drive the increase in Elf not reinforced, I I Deepening Professionalism I commitment to leadership I adequate succession I technical and professional I leadership will not be I I I development and deepening I pipeline. I capitally, I professional capability. I professional capability of I I I properly developed anon TN lamentations off global I and business-driven largenesss will be diminished I I I strategy. Over the long term. I Lampooning Individual I Continued emphasis on I Measured through the Shell I Continued support to I If simplification is not I laryngitiss Performance I simplifying the organization I People Survey which I business critical programs I integrated in the Tit better integrate I sometimes does not tell land strategies through laryngitis, Shell will be I I Capability on a Group wide Complete picture. I business partnering I unable to integrate Capability building. Structures work. I basis and focusing on makings Capability over its global I I I current logout, making it difficult I I LIFO current structures to I I I operate. Increased Efficiency I Released through continued I Shell struggles to Deliver Benefits Scale HER Twit global systems, it is I Effectiveness of HER Systems Standardization and I standardize and simplify I Services imperative that Shell 1 Processes Simplification of HER I most HER process globally. I I processes. Oral I become unbearable I I lover time. Continue to standardize and I I Simplify its HER processes I cost will Shells HER uses a broad differentiation strategy, which focuses on building the best talent pipeline in the industry and thereby ensuring the maintenance of its competitive edge as a technological leader. Shells HER Executive is accountable for legalizing the planned activity. Progress against the four key strategic activity areas are actively monitored and is reviewed formally on a quarterly basis by the HER Executive, and supplemented by tracking, reporting and assurance mechanisms put in place by the HER Strategy team. This focus is complemented by additional measures to ensure the management of talent, costs and headcount, assurance of Shells people standards, and continued performance in the top quartile. This strategy is valid because it is consistent with performance from previous years, and manages HER-related risks that impact individual businesses. Risk responses, in the past, have been updated to take account of plan activities to the extent they provide mitigating action to Group level and business specific HER risks. What makes this strategy work is that each key activity area owner is responsible for ensuring risks and mitigating actions are identified and maintained for their own projects. However, each HER business activity area owner must work to deliver on Talent Management, Diversity Inclusion, Leadership Development, Performance Management, Change Management and Global HER Process Execution individually. Recommendations: Talent Management The HER businesses must deliver on annual full time employment targets, ensuring they hire a more than adequate amount of graduates into the pipeline to ensure annual recruitment targets are met. Shell has a great Leadership Development Program, but in the past has had trouble with follow-up on employees who have gone through the program. Management must do better to continue the development of the employees who have completed this program by providing the opportunities/assignments needed for development to employees once identified. Shell HER must improve representation of females at the senior management level cross the globe, by ensuring a robust continued pipeline of female talent at the lower levels to draw upon. Shell HER must increase the number of diverse candidates in positions to ensure an effort to improve representation of people of color, and develop and implement appropriate plans to ensure there is a continued increase in diversity representation by targeting graduate hires at more diverse colleges when recruiting. Strengthening Leadership Developing Professionalism Shell HER should have annual talent reviews to ensure effective leadership coverage ratios exist across all the Shell regions, and develop adequate successions Lana for all management positions. This is an urgent issue for Shell because many of its top executives will be nearing retirement, and there is a major concern for adequate replacement. To assist with this issue, Shell HER should conduct annual learning reviews and develop learning strategy considerate of current/needed interventions. Shell HER must build a delivery culture by reinforcing individual accountability and active performance of its succession pipeline on a more rapid basis. Improving Individual Organizational Performance Shell HER has a new working model that it must continue to work to operational y driving the development and delivery of the HER organization and the Shell vision. To accomplish this goal, they must deliver effective HER organizational effectiveness support to newly formed leadership teams and business projects. Shell HER should also do a better Job on boarding new employees, and monitoring the consistency of the on boarding program; it appears to not have consistency in this program. Shell HER should drive a culture of accountability and performance management by ensuring a focus on safety, simplification, costs and adding value to the business. Shell HER must deliver on hiring the full time employee targets and monitoring